Adobe Flash End-of-Life

Cause :

The Adobe Flash EOL is December 31, 2020.
Adobe has announced that the Flash player will be blocked from running after the EOL date.


Adobe Flash Plug-in End-of-Life and Enterprise Manager

Many database performance screens in Enterprise Manager were implemented using Adobe Flash technology in versions prior to Enterprise Manager   These database performance pages include ‘Performance Home’, ‘Top Activity’, ‘ASH Analytics’, ‘Real-time SQL Monitoring’ among others.

These Flash pages were replaced with the Oracle JET UI in Enterprise Manager (EM 13.3 PG), released in 2019, and were later enhanced in Enterprise Manager 13.4.

Adobe Flash is being de-supported by Adobe on December 31, 2020.   If you are running versions of Enterprise Manager 13.3.1 or older and use the database performance pages with Adobe Flash goto solution.